Past Donations
(Partial List)
Donations 2015
Centro Terapéutico Puntito - Cochabamba
Renacer Boliviano's member Vicky Lino delivered the 2015 donations to The Centro Terapéutico Puntiti, basic necesities among others: fruts, sugar, cooking oil.
Donations 2014
Hospital Corazón de Jesus - El alto La Paz
Narda Oroza a member of Renacer Boliviano, Inc., delivered donations to the Hospital Corazón de Jesus in form of medical supplies and medicines.
Hospital Viedma - Cochabamba
Jose Luis Calderón of Renacer Boliviano delivered the donactions to the Viedma Hospital in the form of medical supplies.
Centro Terapéutico Puntito - Cochabamba
Ligia Angulo of Renacer Boliviano delivered to El Centro Terapéutico Puntiti in Cochabamba, among others dipers, cereals.
Donations 2012
Fundación Niños con Valor - La Paz
On December 2012, Ligia Angulo miembro de Renacer Boliviano, Inc., made a donation for the purchase of foodand school supplies and other items for the care of children and adolescents of the fundación Niños con Valor.
Centro Burgosmarka - La Paz
In December 2012, Ligia Angulo of Renacer Boliviano, Inc., also made a Donation for the purchase of 2,200 pounds of rise, 1,320 pounds of sugar, 64 pounds of lentil and 64 pounds of oats.
Donations 2011
Damnificados de las inundaciones - La Paz
On July 2011, Mery Ocampo and Marcelo Soria of Renacer Boliviano, Inc., donated 94 blankets to the community of Challapa, Irpavi - La Paz. People were living in tents and are exposed to the inclement winter weather of the Bolivian high plateau. Special thanks to Ana María Ocampo, sister of Mery Ocampo for help with the purchase of and for donated her time to deliver the blankets.
Universidad Mayor de San Andrés - Concurso Filosófico
Donation of US$500.00 as first price for a Philosophic Contest at the University "Mayor de San Andrés", our interest is to encourage and nurture higher education in Bolivia.
First Price Assay Titled¿Hacia dónde desea regresar un migrante?
Donations 2009
Hogar Virgen de la Esperanza - La Paz
On November 2009 Susana Moen of Renacer Boliviano, Inc., donations valued at US $1,500.00 were handed to the Director of "Hogar Virgen de la Esperanza" in La Paz, among the donations were: Dippers, milk, a washing machine and a microwave oven.